Zvuky Prahy / Sounds of Prague

terénní nahrávky, zvukové umění, rádio, zvukové procházky
field recordings, sound art, radio, sound walks

Church bells Čechovo náměstí from my balcony

Creator: lloyd (Lloyd Dunn aka ...)
Submitted: 2009-04-03
Recorded: 2008-11-21
Licence: Creative Commons Licence
Download: 090401170657.mp3

Church bells of saint Václav at Čechovo náměstí from my apartment balcony.

The construction of the Church designed by architect Josef Gočár was carried out in functionalistic style between 1929-1930 and its ceremonial consecration was held on 21st September 1930.The site was formerly a cemetery and Arch. Gočár conceived the project as a hall building gradually rising towards the presbytery. This breakthrough in constructivist building made of concrete is a significant sight of Vršovice.This church was consecrated to St Wenceslas. The prismatic tower of the church, which is 50.80m tall, is located at the forefront and is crowned by a 7m tall cross made of yellow opaxit. The tower has a rectangular ground plan and faces the Square on its shorter side. Here the church has tall windows made of luxfer glass, which were replaced during the church reconstruction in 1998. The stairs leading up to the tower allows us to get on the cascaded roof. In 1996 the church was given two bells from the plant of Mrs. Tomášková-Dytrychová from Brodek u Přerova. The smaller bell was consecrated to St. Ludmila and is 260 kg. The bigger bell is 500 kg and was consecrated to St. Wenceslas.
