Zvuky Prahy / Sounds of Prague

terénní nahrávky, zvukové umění, rádio, zvukové procházky
field recordings, sound art, radio, sound walks

The Lahovice Bridge

Creator: milos (Miloš Vojtěchov...)
Submitted: 2023-10-09
Recorded: 2023-10-08
Licence: Creative Commons Licence
Download: lahovicemost.mp3

The sound of the wheels of cars passing the expansion joint on the road recorded under the Lahovice bridge. An expansion joint is a separating gap located where stress concentrations are expected mainly due to the temperature differences of the material. A bridge shutter is covering the joint, which transmits the dynamic effects of the applied load. Ideally they should be noiseless and have a simple design that allows for easy maintenance and replacement of worn parts. The Lahovicky Bridge is near the confluence of the Vltava and Berounka rivers. The first part of the recording was directly on the bridge, the second captures the sound ambience under the bridge on the Zbraslav side of the river.