Zvuky Prahy / Sounds of Prague

terénní nahrávky, zvukové umění, rádio, zvukové procházky
field recordings, sound art, radio, sound walks
Na Slupi

Na Slupi

Creator: jirina (Jiřina Drahošová)
Submitted: 2010-12-07
Recorded: 2010-12-01
Licence: Creative Commons Licence
Download: 101205173853.mp3

At the snowed field of the Leisure Time Center for kids called Botič, opposite to the Hospital na Slupi and the church of Saint Mary Na Slupi, designed by Kilián Ignác Dientzenhofer in 1725. Near Botanical Garden.GPS: 50°4'9.12”N, 14°25'12”E