Zvuky Prahy / Sounds of Prague

terénní nahrávky, zvukové umění, rádio, zvukové procházky
field recordings, sound art, radio, sound walks

Mechanical nocturno at NT Museum

Creator: milos (Miloš Vojtěchov...)
Submitted: 2015-01-27
Recorded: 1980-06-11
Licence: Creative Commons Licence

Sonic memories on the night tours in The National Technical Museum in Prague. I worked there in the beginning of 80ies as a night watchman. Part of the duty was to walk every 3 hours with a flashlight and turn the key in a special clocks around the building starting from the basement and going to the upper floors. Soundwise the most beautiful was probably the exposition about Time:whole room ticked and clicked. It was like a mechanical dream. Most mysterious was the last floor where STB had its secret offices.