Zvuky Prahy / Sounds of Prague

terénní nahrávky, zvukové umění, rádio, zvukové procházky
field recordings, sound art, radio, sound walks

Evening Mess in Church of Saint Trinity in Košíře

Tags: church trafic
Creator: milos (Miloš Vojtěchov...)
Submitted: 2016-10-14
Recorded: 2016-10-14
Licence: Creative Commons Licence
Download: malostrkostel.mp3

Church of the Lesser Town/Malá Strana Cemetery in Košíře is building in Emire style with a tower built in the years 1831-1837 on location where there was a baroque chapel. It was funded by the Brotherhood of Charity from the collections held at the May festivities and contribution from the Bishop of Passau, Count Leopold Thun-Hohenstein, whose famous tombstone dominates the cemetery. Plzeňská is one of the most umpleasant streets in Prague. Across the street there are relics of once-proclaimed Gypsy bar with tender name Na Čečeličce.