Zvuky Prahy / Sounds of Prague

terénní nahrávky, zvukové umění, rádio, zvukové procházky
field recordings, sound art, radio, sound walks

In front of Villa Richter

Creator: Mark (Mark Shepard)
Submitted: 2011-05-04
Recorded: 2011-04-16
Licence: Creative Commons Licence
Download: 110501015358.mp3

Recorded on IPod during my workshop called Serendipitor. Richter Villa at the Prague Castle was build in 1832 by Karel Emanuel Pichter. It was confiscated after the Second World War and used by the embassy of Cuba, later it was one of the headquarters of STB - the secret police in Czechoslovakia. High walls that surround the villa used to be guarded by armed patrols at that time. After 1989 it was used occasionally as exhibition space for contemporary art thanks to the Vaclav Havel.