Zvuky Prahy / Sounds of Prague

terénní nahrávky, zvukové umění, rádio, zvukové procházky
field recordings, sound art, radio, sound walks

Psychiatric Hospital Bohnice

Creator: milos (Miloš Vojtěchov...)
Submitted: 2013-11-19
Recorded: 2013-11-12
Licence: Creative Commons Licence

November walk in Bohnice madhause.The Psychiatric Hospital was originally a branch of the Psychiatric Therapeutic Institution in Prague (1844). In 1909 it gained legal subjectivity with 300 patients. By the First World War it had 1774 beds, its own water mains, electric power station, bakery, kitchen, workshops. In the course of the First World War only the church was built. By 1924 the institution was practically completed, including the sanatorium for rich patients. In 1925 the institution had 1986 beds and 950 employees. The hospital is located in a park of the area of 64 hectares, it performs agricultural management on the area of further 144 hectares. In the area there are 88 masonry buildings, including flat buildings and farm buildings. From the 36 pavilions intended for the stay of the patients one, devastated by the army, has not been made use of so far, one is before reconstruction, in two pavilions there is the seat of the research institution Prague Psychiatric center. The Psychiatric Therapeutic Institution Bohnice is also the clinical basis of the Institute for further education of medical doctors. In the long term the whole area suffers from lack of investment and partially also operating means. Only 4 buildings are completely reconstructed, they have small rooms and lifts, some buildings are reconstructed partially, the others are in quite a bad condition. Recorded at several locations in the park and inside the pavillions.