Zvuky Prahy / Sounds of Prague

terénní nahrávky, zvukové umění, rádio, zvukové procházky
field recordings, sound art, radio, sound walks

At night sitting near Sv. Štěpán Church

Creator: milos (Miloš Vojtěchov...)
Submitted: 2011-08-27
Recorded: 2011-08-25
Licence: Creative Commons Licence
Download: 110825181226.mp3

The church was founded and administered by the Knights of the Cross from the Old Town. The construction of this Gothic three-aisled building started in 1351. The nave was completed in 1392 and the tower in 1401. There is a Baroque chapel on the south side, built in 1686. On the north side there is the Bramberg Chapel dating from 1736 (with a painting of the Last Judgement), which remains from the former cemetery. In 1738 the most famous Czech Baroque sculptor Matyáš Bernard Braun was buried in the Church. Originally there was a cemetery in the surrounding area, but it was abandoned in 1784. Another significant intervention in the building construction was the addition of a Neo-Gothic hall on the north side in 1866. A significant Neo-Gothic renovation was carried out between 1876 and 1879 and was led by architect Josef Mocker.